
Wednesday, December 9, 2015



1. Paris, France.
Paris, France is a very important part of my life. I am a French ballerina. I was born in France, and remained there during my life. It was where my career as a dancer was, and something very important to me. It is a part of what makes me who I am, a French prima ballerina.

2. London, England.
London is another very important location to me. I have had many accomplishments during my time. One, is when I performed in this beautiful city. Some French dancers performed here, and I was one of them. I was one of the first ballerinas to be seen by English people. London is a very important part of my story and life as an artist.

3. Portrait of Marie-Therese Perdou de Subligny.
This is an image of the me, myself. This portrait shows me in my true element. I am wearing a beautiful ball gown decorated with flowers and my hair is also adorned with flowers. I complete my outfit with low-heeled shoes for dancing. I am depicted showing graceful movements. My leg is stretched to the side, and my arms are held in position. This portrait is very beautiful and shows the my grace of dancing.

4. Portrait of French Dancer, Claude Balon.
Claude Balon was a French dancer. He was very important to my life. He was one of my partners, and worked with me throughout my career. He was not only a dancer, but also a choreographer and choreographed many pieces that he performed with me. He also taught others to dance, but his career was mostly performing with me.

5. Portrait of Jean Baptiste Lully.myMarie-Therese's life, also. He composed many works for several operas. I performed at the Paris Opera regularly. Lully composed many works for the opera, which I performed. I enjoyed performing his works.

6. Portrait of French Composer, Andre Campra.
Andre Campra was a composer along with Lully. He also created many works for the opera. I performed many of these works during my time as a dancer. This created many opportunities for me. I am well known for performing the works of these fine composers.

7. Drury Lane Theatre Royal.
Drury Lane Theatre Royal is one of the many stages I performed. I performed here with Claude Balon in 1717. It is located in London, England. This was one of the few times I was able to travel and perform at this great theatre. It also still exists, hundreds of years later. I was one of the first ballerinas to perform here. It was a very special time for me.

8. Portrait of Mademoiselle de Lafontaine
I have had many sucesses. One of my achievements was her career as one of the first prima ballerinas. Mademoiselle de Lafontaine is important to this part of my story, also. This is because I succeeded Mademoiselle de Lafontaine and won her position as prima ballerina. I held this position till 1707 and I would not have done it without the competition of Mademoiselle de Lafontaine.

King Louis XIV, Dancer
Believe it or not, King Louis XIV was a wonderful French dancer during his reign. He danced during the Enlightenment, like I, and is known as one of the first famous dancers ever. He is important to me for various reasons. The first being he was a great inspiring dancer and allowed me to become one as well. He also gave me many opportunities to perform for him. He has really helped my career.

10. Paris opera
the Paris opera is a very important detail in my story. I have performed there many times, and I have had many memories there. I've performed there several times. It was founded just before I began my career in 1669 by King Louis. It will forever be a second home to me and I am so happy for my ability to perform there. 

-Mademoiselle de Lafontaine:
-Theatre Royal:
-Andre Campra:
-Jean Baptiste Lully:
-Paris, France:
-London, England:
-Marie-Therese Perdou de Subligny:
-Claude Balon:
-Paris Opera:

Monday, September 28, 2015


Bonjour! My name is Marie-Therese Perdou de Subligny. I was born in July of 1666 in France. I'm a dancer, actually I'm a prima ballerina! I love dance and have been very successful. I was the very first professional dancer to be seen by the English, and have had many other successes in dance during my career. I was one of the first ballerinas and, at the time, one of the best!